The success and integrity of the profession of yoga therapy relies on objective, well designed research by reputable professionals and organizations! threeOMs Yoga Therapy will strive to base the practice of yoga therapy on these research findings and collaborations.
International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT)
Yoga Effects on Brain Health: A Systematic Review of the Current Literature (Neha P. Gothe,* Imadh Khan, Jessica Hayes, Emily Erlenbach, and Jessica S. Damoiseaux)
Yoga and Mental Health: A Review
Effects of Yoga on Mental and Physical Health: A Short Summary of Reviews (Büssing, Arndt, Andreas Michalsen, Sat Bir S. Khalsa, Shirley Telles, and Karen J. Sherman. 2012. Effects of yoga on mental and physical health: a short summary of reviews. Evidencebased Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM 2012)
Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life (Int J Yoga. 2011 Jul-Dec; 4(2): 49–54.)
Yoga for Depression and Anxiety: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW (Hanson, Rachel. (2016). Yoga for Depression and Anxiety: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Retrieved from Sophia, the St. Catherine University repository website: https://sophia.stkate.edu/msw_papers/590)
Yoga Therapy: The Healing Potential of Yoga (https://positivepsychology.com/yoga-therapy/)
and more to come...
Community Health Partnership
Two heads are better than one!
threeOMs Yoga Therapy wants to connect with the various health care professionals in the Sherwood Park, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan and surrounding areas to set up a network of health supports.
If you are a health professional in the area and you would like to include yoga therapy as an allied health partner to help support your clients, feel free to connect with threeOMs Yoga Therapy today!